Natural Gas for Commercial and Industrial Applications

Commercial and Industrial customers account for approximately 43% of all natural gas consumption in the United States. More chemical, metal, and industrial manufacturers are communicating to investors that shale gas developments have led to demand in their products. Natural gas used as a fuel source for Industrial process loads as well as electric generation currently represents an equal share of approximately 32% each. When it comes to locating manufacturing in the United States, perhaps one of the biggest competitive advantages starts with energy. With the right policies in place, energy and manufacturing can align to employ technological advances in energy efficient equipment along with competitive commodity or feedstock costs to bring the U.S. to the forefront.

PIOGA’s Pipeline and Natural Gas Market Development Committee tours the MarkWest gas processing facility at Houston, PA, in March 2014.

Gas Fact: The oil and gas industry provides a significant direct economic benefit in the areas where drilling activity occurs. For every one direct job, four to six indirect jobs or services can be realized.