Just the Facts: Fossil Fuels Essential to Four Essential Materials that Support Civilization 

Time Magazine published an analysis recently by Vaclav Smil, a scientist, policy analyst and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, that demands amplification by Pennsylvania’s oil and gas industry and other people interested in facts about the importance of fossil fuels in a modern society.

Just the Facts: Fossil Fuels Essential to Four Essential Materials that Support Civilization 2022-06-02T20:41:08-04:00

Commonwealth Court continues to reject validity challenges to zoning ordinances authorizing oil and gas development

The body of case law makes it clear that ― as is the case with any type of use regulated by local zoning ― where oil and gas development occurs is squarely within the purview of the municipality, while how it occurs is a state regulatory matter.

Commonwealth Court continues to reject validity challenges to zoning ordinances authorizing oil and gas development2022-05-26T12:55:54-04:00

Just the Facts: Hydrogen Initiatives Advancing Technology

The U.S. oil and gas industry is leading research and investing significantly in the development of hydrogen as an energy source, which is seen as a valuable long-term contributor to climate-related goals of reducing carbon.

Just the Facts: Hydrogen Initiatives Advancing Technology2022-05-18T18:04:14-04:00
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