About Meghan Keely

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So far Meghan Keely has created 237 blog entries.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds abandonment analysis improper where oil and gas lease provided remedies for conduct at issue

The court held that a decision finding an oil and gas lease to be abandoned pursuant to the equitable doctrine of abandonment was improper where the lease provided remedies for the allegedly wrongful conduct of the lessee.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds abandonment analysis improper where oil and gas lease provided remedies for conduct at issue2021-06-11T14:27:56-04:00

Words have meaning: Unconventional vs. conventional reservoirs

Since the Marcellus Shale play started 10-plus years ago, we have been using the terms unconventional and conventional incorrectly. And “we” includes the state, the public, the press and much of our own industry.

Words have meaning: Unconventional vs. conventional reservoirs2021-05-13T19:12:35-04:00
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