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How much natural gas do we
consume in the US?
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Natural Gas Consumption


United States

YTD Natural Gas Consumption (Tcfg)


Today's Natural Gas Consumption


Consumption Since You Arrived



YTD Natural Gas Consumption


Today's Natural Gas Consumption


Consumption Since You Arrived


In 2022, the United States consumed about 32.31 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas.

U.S. natural gas consumption by sector, 2022

Sector  Amount (Tcf)  Share of total
Electric power  12.12 38%
Industrial (total) 10.44 32%
Lease and plant fuel consumption 1.98 6%
Combined heat and power (CHP)  1.36  4%
All other (non-CHP) 7.09   22%
Residential 4.99 15%
Commercial   3.52  11%
Transportation (total)  1.24 4%
Pipeline and distribution 1.19     4%
Vehicle fuel     0.05     <1%


Natural gas consumed annually in Pennsylvania – 1.5 Tcf (2022)

Residential – 243 Bcf

Commercial – 172 Bcf

Industrial – 242 Bcf

Electric generation – 878 Bcf

Vehicle – 1.6 Bcf


Number of Pennsylvania Natural Gas Consumers (2021)

Residential – 2,864,907

Commercial – 251,244

Industrial – 4,482

(Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration)