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IPAA – Webinar – Striking the Chevron Deference and Beyond – Implications of the Landmark Ruling for Independent Producers

July 25 – 11 am eastern.

Webinar Registration – Zoom

The Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down the Chevron deference will have significant impacts for independent oil and natural gas producers for years to come. Since the 1984 court decision on Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., federal agencies have been stretching their regulatory initiatives beyond the clear authority of the law, using Chevron and judicial deference as their basis. However, beyond the obvious findings outlined in the recent Supreme Court ruling, the Court’s decision raises nuanced and complicated questions that independent producers will encounter in the coming years. IPAA is hosting a webinar that will explore many of the issues surrounding the Court’s action and help IPAA members traverse the complicated path and opportunities presented by this landmark ruling. Wayne D’Angelo, Co-chair of Kelley Drye’s national Environmental Law practice group, will provide a presentation and discussion about the Chevron ruling and its implications for the industry. Mr. D’Angelo is one of IPAA’s outside legal counsel experts. He is nationally renowned for his expertise on regulatory rulemaking, permitting, compliance and enforcement matters arising under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, NEPA and various other federal regulations. As an IPAA member, please join us for this exclusive opportunity to learn more from Wayne D’Angelo about the implications of this landmark ruling.

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